Today : 2025.02.23
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Personal information
User ID*
(at least 4 characters)
(at least 6 characters)
Verify Password*
(Re-enter your password)
First name Last name
Academic Degree* MD MD, PhD PhD Others
Title* Mr. Ms. Prof. Dr.
Telephone* +Country Code Area code Phone
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Mobile* +Country Code Mobile number
연수 평점 안내를 위해 정확한 휴대폰 번호 기재 부탁 드립니다!
Postal code*
* Use of Your Personal Information

- Purpose
Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (abbreviated to ICMRI 2017 & KSMRM hereafter) provides online services (pre-registration and abstract submission) for The 20th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM 2017 (abbreviated to ICMRI 2017 & KSMRM hereafter). Based on your personal information, you will be able to sign up for the conference and to complete the payment of your registration fee.

- Collecting Your Personal Information
ICMRI 2017 & KSMRM requires you to provide your personal information in order to complete pre-registration online.

* Required fields : Country, User Id(Email), Password, name, Title, Email, Telephone, Mobile, Affiliation, Department.
* Optional fields : Postal code, Address.

- Storing of Your Personal Information
ICMRI 2017 & KSMRM will keep storing of your personal information to provide you with KSMRM’s useful services such as conference updates and newsletters.

I agree.